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How to Navigate Your Transnational Strategy for Global Success

Understanding Transnational Strategy A transnational strategy in the context of brand expansion allows for businesses like yours to capitalize on the efficiency and savings that localization and internationalization can provide. Allowing room for this...

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Can I Trust Google Translate for Localization?

What is Google Translate? Google Translate is Google’s free translation tool that offers primary translation of documents, sites and raw web content between languages.  Current updates to the platform have seen tremendous improvements influenced...

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5 Groundbreaking Examples of Multilingual Websites

What is a multilingual website? A multilingual website is considered to be any site that has content published in multiple languages. Brands might consider investing in this type of website if they’re trying to...

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What is a Multi-Domestic Strategy? Definition and Relevant Examples

What is a multi-domestic strategy? A multi-domestic strategy is a complementary concept to a global standardization and expansion strategy. Its main focus is to boost the visibility of a brand’s subsidiaries as independent competitors...


WordPress Localization & Translation: 8 Factors to Keep in Mind

What is WordPress localization, and why is it important? WordPress localization is the process of optimizing your website for specific regions that your clientele may be visiting from. It’s a great way to go...

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Right-to-Left (RTL) Localization: What You Need To Know

What Is Right-to-Left (RTL) Localization? Right-to-left (otherwise known as RTL) localization is a specific type of optimization that focuses on RTL languages—such as Hebrew, Arabic, Farsi or Persian. These languages require different types of...

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