Category: Product News


OneSky’s Translation Management Platform now supports the iOS 11 App Store

Since iOS 11 was launched in September with a refreshed app store, we have been working hard to make sure that the OneSky platform can support all the relevant changes. We are excited to...


Introducing Our Localization Onboarding Guides

We’ll be the first to admit it: localization can be a tricky process. With so many options available, it can be hard to know where to start. Over the years, we’ve helped thousands of...


Introducing App Marketing Stack

We’re excited to introduce a new website of ours: App Marketing Stack. It’s a curated directory of tools and resources on app marketing and mobile growth, and you’re going to love it. “But wait,”...


Customize Locale Values

How You Can Now Customize Locale Values OneSky applies ISO639-1 as the standard locale code for consistency purpose. We found that there are different standards for different platforms. We’ll still keep the standard in...

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