Category: Localization 101


Localization Workflow: Building the Perfect 6-Step Process

To deliver a great user experience in new markets, you need a solid localization workflow. Wondering what that looks like? In this guide, we reveal all.

What the Heck Is Minimum Viable Localization (MVL) 1

[New Ebook] What the Heck Is Minimum Viable Localization (MVL)?

All the benefits of localization, without the hassle If you’re a first-timer to localization, the time, cost, and commitment in expanding into new markets can seem a little intimidating. We get it. But at...

Translation Proofreading 0

How to Prevent Localization Issues With Translation Proofreading

See why translation proofreading is important, how it supports fuzzy translation, and how to incorporate it into your localization process cost-effectively.

Localization Testing: How to Create the Perfect Process 0

Localization Testing: How to Create the Perfect Process

Planning on launching into a new market? In this concise guide, we’re going to look at why localization testing matters and how you should construct your process.

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