Category: Internationalization Practices

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Mastering Internationalization Strategies for Business Expansion

What is an internationalization strategy? Internationalization strategies are the driving force of global expansions for all brands—no matter what your structure is or what you’re selling. The right strategic decision empowers the sale and...

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Globalization vs Internationalization vs Localization: What Is the Difference?

Defining Globalization, Internationalization, and Localization Did you know? These three definitions can determine your potential longevity and success in business. Understanding how to use the concepts of globalization, internationalization and localization is essential to...

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What is Software Internationalization?

What is software internationalization? Software internationalization is the process of optimizing your software development process for easy, evergreen deployment around the world—keeping you as the most relevant and accessible expert in your industry of...

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Internationalization and Localization: Choosing the Best Solution for Your Business

What is Internationalization? Internationalization can be compared to the wheels that make the concept of globalization “move” along the road to expansion—keeping all services and products aligned with the end goal of mass distribution...

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