Category: App Localization


A Step-by-Step Guide to Android Localization

Did you know that Android has 72.83% of the global mobile operating system market share, and Google Play Store is available in over 146 countries? If you want to enter the global market, you...

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App/Mobile App Localization: The Ultimate Guide

In this guide, we look at why localization is important and how to build a mobile app localization strategy — from research through to implementation.


2017 Localization Trends & Predictions for 2018

In the past 12 months, OneSky worked with over 1,000 businesses and organizations around the world to localize their apps, games and products for more than 65 markets. As a localization specialist, OneSky is...


Case Study: How journi Found the Right Localization Partner

With no shortage of companies that offer localization solutions, we often get asked, “How do I even pick the right localization partner?” Although there is no definitive answer, we recently sat down with the...


OneSky’s Translation Management Platform now supports the iOS 11 App Store

Since iOS 11 was launched in September with a refreshed app store, we have been working hard to make sure that the OneSky platform can support all the relevant changes. We are excited to...

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