Author: Mandy Fong


I18n: Everything You Need to Know About Internationalization

Understanding Internationalization (i18n) If you’ve found this article, you’re likely preparing your content for international expansion—and that means you’ll need a solid internationalization (i18n) strategy to secure your place in the market.  While localization...


Content Localization: What It Is, Challenges, and Best Practices

What is content localization? Content localization: Otherwise known as the most effective thing a business could do for its bottom line and expansion strategy—but one of the least-implemented strategies used.  Why?  Well, it’s often...

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Mastering Internationalization Strategies for Business Expansion

What is an internationalization strategy? Internationalization strategies are the driving force of global expansions for all brands—no matter what your structure is or what you’re selling. The right strategic decision empowers the sale and...

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Is AI Translation as Good as Human Expertise?

Understanding Artificial Intelligence Translation AI is growing increasingly popular in the field of translation—and it comes as no surprise. Many are impressed with the concept of automated translation being just a click away, and...


How to Navigate Your Transnational Strategy for Global Success

Understanding Transnational Strategy A transnational strategy in the context of brand expansion allows for businesses like yours to capitalize on the efficiency and savings that localization and internationalization can provide. Allowing room for this...

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Can I Trust Google Translate for Localization?

What is Google Translate? Google Translate is Google’s free translation tool that offers primary translation of documents, sites and raw web content between languages.  Current updates to the platform have seen tremendous improvements influenced...

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